
Welcome to my first blog. I am delighted to have you here and hope to share a little insight into ME!! Feel free to leave any notes you have especially any tips you may have since I'm new to this. Take care and God bless!!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

The New Year welcomes lots of possibilities to each one of us but for my family it brings a lot of new hopes and dreams.  Maybe that is true for a lot of people and that is why it is such a big holiday.  This year my hopes and dreams seem bigger than ever and my trust in my Lord does too.  It's weird how the two go hand-in-hand for me but I am hopeful in so many areas of my life, I can't even begin to explain how I feel.  I have a beautiful daughter who is married and happy.

A handsome son who is going into the Navy and is very happy with his decision,

and another beautiful daughter who is happy in her choice to continue her schooling in film studies and go into the mission field.

I also have an incredible husband who loves me unconditionally and supports me throughout the year in whatever comes our way.

I can continue on and on with the list of blessings that I have in my life but for now I bid you goodnight and Happy New Year to each of you.  May God bless you and bring you much happiness and hope for your future!!! 

Jeremiah 29:11

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